Metsa Yaka

Metsa Yaka was born in Germany in 1985. Since a very young age she felt drawn to the mystics of the Universe and started seeking for truth.
As she had her first Plant Medicine experience, she felt this old connection to the realm of the plants and went through an intense out of body initiation process to her path as medicine women.
The next years she went herself on a profound healing journey out of depressions and anxiety guided and supported by the sacred medicine.
In 2016 she became initiated by her teacher Inkanima in the Shipibo Conibo lineage of his grandparrents abuelo Inkanima and abuela Ronin Wesna. She received her medicine name Metsa Yaka and started studying in various Master Plants dietas.
A big part in her life is her very strong connection to the Animal- and especially the Horse Medicine. They have accompanied her, her whole life as loving friends, wise teachers and important guides to her.
In 2017 she felt more and more called to the work with women, to support them on their very own way to liberation and deep connection within – the first Medicine Women’s Circle came to life.
With a strong intuition, she is holding a space of presence, clarity, love & allowance supporting people to find their way into reconnection. As a translator for the Horse, Animal and Plant World she stands for a deeper understanding for our teachings we receive.
Metsa Yaka is Founder of Rao Caballo and Co-Founder of the Non-Profit-Association Visiones.

Upcoming Programs by Metsa Yaka

Holistic Shamanic Healing Session - For your Animal & and for You

Open Dates

This Session is about supporting your Animal in finding its natural Balance again. An imbalance can be caused, for example, by an already manifested illness or physical symptoms, energetic blockages, emotional issues or even energetic transfers from the owner. That’s why it’s important to look at the holistic picture in order to identify and solve […]

Sacred Space - 1:1 Individual Online Session

Open Dates

Do you feel stuck at any point in your life? You are seeking for more clarity and guidance in your life? Do you feel the call to reconnect deeply with yourself? You want to become more present with the energies within and surrounding you and learn to get them moving in the most transformative way […]

Master Plant Dieta Spain (3 or 4 Weeks Dieta)

Also With Sanken Tsoma

Package Dates

Dear Ones, we are excited to invite you to a 3 week and 4 week Master Plant Dieta at our place in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park near the white village Zahara de la Sierra in Andalusia / Spain. In this 25 day or 31 day retreat, you will have the special opportunity go […]

Soul Purpose - 6 Day Integrative Plant Medicine Women's Retreat Andalusia - with Ayahuasca, Cacao Breatwork, Rapé, Horse Medicine, Drumming Journey

Also With Selva and Sanken Tsoma

June 10 - 15, 2025

When conscious women come together – their Medicine begins to flow and beautiful things are going to unfold. We cordially invite you to our Women’s Medicine Retreat in the beautiful nature of Andalusia. This Retreat was created for all the Women, that are on their path of empowerment, that want to reconnect to their soul […]

5 Day Integrative Ayahuasca Retreat Munich with Metsa Yaka & Sanken Tsoma

Also With Sanken Tsoma

August 5 - 9, 2025

We welcome you to our holistic and transformative Integrative Plant Medicine 5 Day Retreat in the area of Munich. In this retreat we combine sacred plant medicine from the Amazon with practices for process and integration work. During these 5 days we will hold three plant medicine ceremonies in the Shipibo tradition and a Cacao […]