Sanken Tsoma
Sanken Tsoma (born 1979 in Germany) has been working intensively and regularly with various forms of traditional plant medicine and shamanic techniques for several years.
Since 2013 he has been organizing retreats in various European countries together with Metsa Yaka.
In 2015 both founded the School of Mysteries, which was the platform for their retreats until 2019.
During this time, Sanken Tsoma was taught in shamanic diets by Amazonian and European teacher plants, as well as by several indigenous teachers.
His teachers, who initiated him into their healing lineages, are the Shipibo Maestro Inkanima (from the Peruvian Amazon) and the Q’ero healer Don Eduardo Chura Apaza (from the Inca tradition of the Peruvian Andes).
In 2017, after having the honor of receiving his teacher’s Inkanima former medicine name, Sanken Tsoma received permission from Inkanima and from Don Eduardo to share his medicine work with the world.
Sanken Tsoma is connected to the Inkanima lineage and is guided in his medical work from the non-physical world by that lineage’s grandparents Inkanima (senior) and Ronin Wesna
Since 2017 he lives in Andalusia, Spain, where he deepens his work with plants.
In 2019, Sanken Tsoma and Metsa Yaka finally founded the association and non-profit organization Visiones, which now forms the basis of their work.
Upcoming Programs by Sanken Tsoma
Individual Remote Healing Session
In these turbulent times that we are in, many people are looking for re-centering and a clearing and cleansing of the energy system to release stuck emotions, fears, dense energies or pain and to find new clarity, purpose, trust and guidance the path of healing and transformation. In these one-to-one shamanic healing and cleansing remote […]

Master Plant Dieta Spain (3 or 4 Weeks Dieta)
Also With Metsa Yaka
Dear Ones, we are excited to invite you to a 3 week and 4 week Master Plant Dieta at our place in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park near the white village Zahara de la Sierra in Andalusia / Spain. In this 25 day or 31 day retreat, you will have the special opportunity go […]
Soul Purpose - 6 Day Integrative Plant Medicine Women's Retreat Andalusia - with Ayahuasca, Cacao Breatwork, Rapé, Horse Medicine, Drumming Journey
Also With Metsa Yaka and Selva
When conscious women come together – their Medicine begins to flow and beautiful things are going to unfold. We cordially invite you to our Women’s Medicine Retreat in the beautiful nature of Andalusia. This Retreat was created for all the Women, that are on their path of empowerment, that want to reconnect to their soul […]

5 Day Integrative Ayahuasca Retreat Munich with Metsa Yaka & Sanken Tsoma
Also With Metsa Yaka
We welcome you to our holistic and transformative Integrative Plant Medicine 5 Day Retreat in the area of Munich. In this retreat we combine sacred plant medicine from the Amazon with practices for process and integration work. During these 5 days we will hold three plant medicine ceremonies in the Shipibo tradition and a Cacao […]